February 2 | Sound of Hope – the story of possum trot

We invite you to participate in this powerful movie experience highlighting the story of a church that stepped up to meet the foster care crisis in their community. We encourage you to attend this showing and learn more about how you can participate in this need. Click here to learn more about the movie Sound of Hope. We will be offering children’s activities during the movie for kids 10 and under – please fill out the form below by January 29 if your kids are planning to participate! The showing will take place at 4pm and include free popcorn!

February 22-23 | KNow Jesus | JourneyYouth Junior High Students

The Know Jesus Conference will be held February 22-23 at Hesston College, Hesston, KS. It’s for grades 6-8. Youth and sponsors will stay overnight at Hesston Mennonite while all other activities will be on Hesston College’s campus. One of the highlights is the Anabaptist game. It teaches youth the stories of early Anabaptists as well as the dangers. This year’s theme is “Who am I? Jesus Knows!”  Registration deadline is January 26.